JJ at the Lego Ninjago SlamJam Competition at Legoland JB

JJ at the Lego Ninjago Spinner SlamJam Competition at Legoland JB (Jul 2019).

OK, so Gugu J has been a faithful sponsor of our Lego and we continue to be blessed by her generosity which we warmly accept 🙂

Seems she has been on some Lego mailing lists and she informs Jon of an upcoming Ninjago Spinner SlamJam Competition happening at Legoland in July. There are specific dates and time slots you can register for, but Mummy and Daddy J decide on Saturday, 13th July.

That fateful day finally arrives (a beautiful day indeed!), and Didi has been practising hard – I mean real HARD. There are apparently different stages/rounds requiring different strategies and he’s simulated all possibly scenarios in the past couple of weeks, anticipating having to persevere through 3 differing trials, each assessing his strength, speed, and agility!

We arrive ahead of the 1pm start time, and were pleasantly informed the competition would be extended to interested walk-in participants. Hearing that, Daddy persuades me to signup and compete alongside Jon. We were one of the early birds, seems there were like 10 other kids at that time and the organiser asks us to get in queue.

As we were a little early after rego, Mummy allows us to go on some rides! After all, whats a visit to Legoland without our usual dose of the Ninjago ride?

We set our personal record of 462,850!

On the way past the Fireman’s Bistro, we smell the familiar scent of our favourite fruit – the King of Fruits, that is! But wonder how it could be possible… but alas, it is true! Legoland JB is selling durians! 🙂

Lucky for us though, this departure terminal doesn’t have a ban on durians!

After some rides, we trod back to the competition venue – Sensei’s Brick Shop and who do we meet but the wise sensei himself, and his faithful side-kick, our fiery Kai!

The organiser explains the mechanics of the contest.

Round 1: In the very first trial, the task was to take down all the cut-up villains (ranging from 10-60points each) using Lloyd’s Titan Mech.

Round 2: In the second round, each contestant was given a slam spinner with the objective to take down as many of the 9 villains set-up in a 3×3 matrix formation.

Round 3: In the final showdown, contestants were asked to pitch their spinning skills aimed at the longest spin, each timed with a stopwatch.

After 3 gruelling rounds, the organiser asks for some time out to tabulate the scores, and we wait in anticipation.

After awarding the consolation prizes to the runner ups, it boils down to the final 2… he asks “whom of the following 2 do you think is the champion?”

Jon basking in jubilation over his win and poses with his clinch – the new Lloyd Titan Mech! Way to go CHAMP!

My very proud littl’ brother – grinning from ear to ear with his bounty in tow.

By the way, Daddy’s smiling cheekily also, proudly whispering to Mummy how he’d just saved $120 bucks not having to buy us that new mech. He thinks we can’t hear! 🙂

~Jo aka Twin1