Seoul, JeJu Island, Busan, Daegu, YongPyong – Korea (Dec 2022)

1st travel right out of COVID, and we head to K-Land!

(Daddy promised to writeup on our Cruise to Nowhere which he still hasnt! We were on the Royal Caribbean this time last year as a form of escape being the only place we could pack our overnighter and clear immigration while borders remained shut… yes, he’s been procrastinating but will hopefully get to it soon before our Bali 2023 trip over CNY!)

Back in July Daddy and Grandpa and were contemplating between Korea and Japan (which only announced full resumption of travel circa Oct) so it became fairly straightforward that it was back to Pororo Land once again!

As prep for the trip, Mummy lets us binge watch Crash Landing on You (CLOY) and Attorney Woo… tsk tsk tsk.

Headed to the airport for our red eye flight into Seoul, arrive in to a Incheon close to 7am the next morning.

Lounging in the lounge while Mummy the seamstress mends “someone’s” pants – de ja vu of a previous trip we had to sit put at the aiport while daddy had to literally run off to Changi City Point  to buy some new boots (since we had some old pairs ‘crocodile-mouth’ after having not worn them for some time)!

Jie Jie and I were hardly asleep for the entire duration of our flight save for the 40 winks we stole in between our dose of movies and game (Biobot some old school 2D Mario Style arcade game) – Daddy says we were at it again the entire flight back…

Domestic Flight from Gimpo (Kimpo domestic terminal) to Jeju.

Welcome to Jeju!

Daddy slurping up his Abalone seafood soup while we kids got our special He Bao Dan (sunny side up egg).

Tangerine farm! Last we were here it wasn’t snowing.

Not only was it not snowing last we were here, we even brought Mummy Koa along! This time she stayed home to guard the other stuffed Koalas.

Blast from the past (from 2014!) when the tangerines looked and definitely felt much bigger!

Then and now. 5 oranges per person but I think Daddy easily ate 15 before scouring for 5 to chuck into his basket!

ATV ride! Our first since the last we were here Daddy says the only thing we could ride was strapped to our storo (baby stoller!).

Here’s a pix of Jie Jie in her yellow helmet then and Didi lounging while waiting for the boys to finish their ride (Daddy and Yeh Yeh)!


At the pier in Jeju…

Catch another flight out from Jeju to Busan thereafter traveled by road to Daegu.

At the Inter-Burgo Hotel Daegu when we encounter the first snowfall in the trip when it starts snowing right after breakfast!

Busan Gamcheon Culture Vilage.


New soft toys!

Us mucking around in the snow.

Be careful Daddy says, ‘don’t eat the yellow snow!’…

Temperature was a biting -15 degrees C on average (real feel was closer to a frigid -20 when the winds came a blowing)…

Temperatures in Dec this time round seemed way colder then expected since the coldest months would typically be around Jan/Feb. In fact, Jeju airport was closed for 24hours with flights in/out cancelled due to heavy snowfall just 2 days after we left!

Onward to YongPyong (Pyongchang) where we revisited Dragon Valley Ski Resort, the original site of our 1st snowman, Snowy. And now behold the amazing, bigger better and colder yet Frosty.


Then and now…

Went up the cable car to the sky observatory,

Us skiing. Mummy skipping the skiing this round though still ranting about her last (mis)adventure heading up the slopes in the ski lift…


Lotte World.

Daddy says this is our 5th year back, unfortunately we didn’t get to go to the main entrance which we took the customary photo still in previous years but this is a close second. Since we only had like 4 hours here today we managed to do only 2.5 rides (Wild Valley 4D ride which made Daddy green in the face (yeah he almost puked but was just trying to pull the usual strong-man ‘Dad persona he usually does. To his credit though we didn’t know it was going to be a 4D rickety rock-and-jerk-a-lot kinda ride until 5 min before we started (despite being in queue almost an hour!). Next ride was a ride out shoot out ride (Wild Dragon shooting Jo seems to recall,very similar to the Legoland car ride) except this was shooting dragons. FYI Mummy turned out the winner for this round. 2.5 rides since we were essentially in queue for bumper cars until we decided to give up and head back for the parade at 8.

Adults lug heaps of shopping – ginseng, Oddbot soundalike Odbo and healthy liver.

Literally buying up a segment in the shop…

Playing game at hotel lobby past midnight. We absolutely love this hotel with the cute fella in the lobby (we reckon its the Novotel Ambassador Yongsan)…


And still playing game throughout the entire duration of our flight home.

Incheon airport Line Friends vs. Pink Fong.

Sorry din get to take the same shot with Line Friends (whom Daddy says is still there when he was here couple of weeks back, and yes lucky him stayed at Lotte World Hotel) since we’re on Asiana today and in a gate farther away from him).

Headed back on our return flight. Full 6 hour of no sleep! Every Daddy’s nightmare (not on the flight but when they start getting cranky at home!)…

Play play play from daylight to sundown (literally till landing in Singapore – check out the view from the window!) – the only time our masks come off and we’re off the screen are during meal times!

Merry Christmas 2022 to all!


Seoul, Korea (Dec 2017)

Seoul, Korea (Dec 2017)

JJ in ICN (22nd -27th Dec 2017)

Type: Private Free and Easy Tour

Aunt J decides we will go on a private tour this time as it would be our 3rd trip to Korea. in our 1st Korea (packaged tour to Seoul/Jeju Island) trip in 2015, we met our then tour guide Mr S. Park, a very nice fatherly chap whose contact we had kept… until now. Though we had been back to Seoul a year after (2014), we went on our little own Free & Easy Trip (alternating between Lotte World and frolicking around Myeongdong for food and fashion!).

I’m attaching the itinerary here for your info, please send me an email if you’d like to learn more and we will be happy to share the contact of Mr S with you.

Day -1
Daddy J comes in with the usual “LIGHTS-OUT-kids-please-sleep-since-you-have-a-long-day-ahead-tomorrow-no-story-time-tonight” yadda yadda; and we try hard to fall asleep, thinking what movies might be screening in the IFE tomorrow (hopefully no more Frozen or Peppa Pig, though Paw Patrol, PJ Masks or Ninjago would be fun) and soon dozing off with Mommy Koa and Elsa.

We wake up at 5am, get dressed pronto and make our way to the airport to catch our ride to Seoul. We ALWAYS make it a point to go early to the airport – the Holiday really does start at the airport itself! With so much to do at literally the world’s best airport, Changi continues to impress.



Soon we’re airborne on KE648 bound for Incheon!
Kids waste no time on the in flight entertainment but can only last so long and fall asleep soon after.

Arriving at our hotel for the next few days…

Day2 – Gyeongbukgung Palace, Insadong

Annyeong haseyo Uncle S!

Uncle (Mr) S meets us right after breakkie and we load up into his MPV and off we go to Gyeongbukgung Palace and National Folk Museum (oh and we pass by the Blue House* en route)

*Daddy J asks us a riddle – “If the green house is on the left, and the red on the right, where are the white and blue houses? In Washington and Seoul of course!!

We get off the MPV and make a short stroll to the outer court of the Palace where a procession takes place. It was freezing cold but Mummy J whips out some hand and feet warmers which she quickly tucks into our pockets. We didn’t quite like the racket although it was fun to see the colourful traditional hanboks. T2 and T1 lose no time taking some pix with Grandma J, Aunt J and Mummy J.


We walk through the Palace grounds which house some traditional looking cottages and were impressed at how closely these replicas might have resembled the original look and feel of the palace and living quarters.

We find some pinecones and continue walking till we come to a the stone zodiac statues. TJT pose with the dragon symbolising the chinese zodiac of their birth year. Soon it gets cold again for us so we run inside the folk museum building to escape the cold (although momentarily!) and to take some shots with Soohorang and Bandabi-nim to commemorate the upcoming 2018 Seoul Winter Olympics!

Soon we head back out to meet our guide Mr S and take some funky pix on the way before hopping into the MPV for what i recall a 5-10min ride to Insadong.

At the end of the way – The J Twins were just so beat we dozed off on the way back to the hotel…


Day3 – Everland

Was raining cats and dogs all day. Despite the ponchos Mr S prepped for us we pretty much had to stay indoors at the cafe having extended breakfast, lunch and tea, eating sweets, choc, burrowing our heads in the map, taking pix, and more pix.

Oh for the record, Aunt J actually found a lost baby and returned her to the info desk to very VERY concerned and grateful parents. WELL DONE and HIP HIP HOORAY for Gugu J!

A blessing in disguise – because of all the rain, it started to snow as we were leaving the park! OK, maybe not so much snow, just flakes… but still good enough for us equatorial dwellers.

We end the day with another one of our chicken parties – WHAT is a visit to Korea without Kyo Chon???


Day4 – Christmas @ Lotte World!

“Today is best day ever because today is (not moving day – adapted from one of our favourite movies – HOME! but)… Christmas!”

What better way than to spend this day (not with your toys! – separate section) but with your favourite people at Lotte World!

This would be our 3rd time to Lotte – the first 2 years we spent more time at Pororro Park (situated inside Lotte) but this time TJT mutually agreed in one accord (this seldom happens) that they were getting a tad too old for this ‘park’. Daddy J quickly welcomed the idea since he didn’t need to pay extra to go visit Pororro in his abode again!


The J Twins lurveee rides and meats!

At the end of the day, Mr S drives us to our Christmas Dinner reservation Texas de Brazil @ Seocho-gu. By this time, we were so hungry we could literally have eaten a horse each!

The Churrascaria was a great choice since they had a great salad bar (even though you don’t really need that in a meat bar!) and all-the-meat-you-can-eat! T2 signalling with his green chip for MORE meat! Literally, no horse run. Neither was there horse meat. Seriously.

Way to go Mutton!


Day5 – Nami Island and Petit France

Off we go with Mr S who drives us about an hour to get to the pier where we would get on a ferry to Nami Island.

Miss Singapore T1 poses with the Singapore Flag.

A lot more snow on the other side – The J Twins go sledding.

Daddy J “There’s more snow over here kids. Beware of black ice!”

TJT “Daddy don’t eat the yellow ice”


TJT are TRUE Vegetable champions!



Day 6 – Myeongdong and Paju Premium Outlet

More shopping before we finally bid farewell to Seoul. Until we meet again!

Farewell Seoul – we had a blast. Checkout our awesome JTJ moves.

JJ in ICN (4th – 9th Feb 2016)

Seoul, Korea (Feb 2016)

JJ in ICN (4th -9th Feb 2016)

Type: Free & Easy


*RRRRINNNGGGggg* the alarm goes off – Daddy J startles out of bed and does his thing again at having a go at knocking us kids out of slumber! But what d’ya know, we are already up and are ready in a jiffy! The J Twins are ready to rock and rumble! Soon we are at the airport…

We can still fit nicely into our twin stroller (Didi still calls this the ‘stro-ro’!).

Didi with whom else but MMK (Mommy Koa)…

We say bye-bye stroro-ro ro ro at the check-in*…. we’re off to see Pororo!

*(we recall KE accepts stroros only at the check-in counter and not at the aerobridge unlike SQ at least at that point in time. On arrival however, both offer pickup of stroros at the bridge!)

Waiting to board the big blue bird that will take us to Incheon.

We get some nice Pororo-themed kiddy packs (water color stencils)…

We plan to be in Korea during Chinese New Year which happens on 8th Feb 2016. Unbeknown to us, it coincides exactly with the Korean New Year which meant that most shops we closed at least on the first 2 days (8th – 9th Feb)!

Good thing Mackers is always open – rain or shine; winter, spring, summer or fall, and holiday or non-holiday! We muck around with our Chicken nuggets and make it look like rex!


Lotte World and Porroro Park

  • Welcome back to Porroro Park! It’s great to be back!


Seoul Tower


Kimchi School and Seaweed Factory.




Jeju and Seoul Korea (Dec 2014)

Jeju Island and Seoul, Korea (Dec 2014)

JJ in CJU and ICN (21st -29th Dec 2014)

Good morning! We’re so excited about going to see Porroro that we couldn’t sleep a wink all night!

We get to Changi really early in the morning *yawnz* to catch our flight from SIN to ICN.

Changi celebrates a Disney Christmas 2014!


Jo and Grandma J en route to ICN!


Korea Culinary institute – Korean Pancake Making.

Introducing Sous Chef Jo and Jon with Chef de Partie Mummy!

Seoul to Jeju.

At the Jeju Folk Village and Tangerine Farm.   

Look Ma, black pigs! *oink oink!*


Mummy points out specifically to the sign on this house…


After like a dozen tangerines between the kids, we head to Jeju Land ATV park.

The boys went off to play and left the girls behind, only thing Jo could do was to pose with the yellow hard hat.


Jeju Island

Teddy Bear Museum

Jeju Trick Art Museum


And pick of the day goes to…  the 2 adorable monkeys!

And the usual JJ pose…

Jeju to Daegu via OZ8122.


Its Christmas today and we head to CJU airport to catch our northbound flight to  Daegu.

We have a little OJ and BYO Porroro and Friends play kit as IFE for our 1 hour domestic flight.


Pizza and Cheese Making in Daegu

Jon teams up with Grandma while Jo tags with Grandpa.


Our instructor flips it in the air.

There are also some very hungry farm animals outside which we eagerly fed! They must’ve smelled the pizza….

Daegu to Yongpyong

We arrive at the Yongpyong SKI resort and take the gondola up to the top.


At night the temperature drops to -12 degrees C!

Spot Jo among the snowmen!

We make an attempt at making our very own Olaf with BYO plastic carrot and  Santa hat while Daddy is out night-skiing.

Next morning we try our hands at skiing… not before we make an attempt at our very own egg-Olaf at breakfast. Now kids, what did we say about not playing with your food?


After a while Daddy and Mummy leave us with Granpa and Grandma J who bring us to the kids’ play area while they hit the slopes.


Highlight here would definitely have been the Jimjilbang!

For the ‘uninitiated’, Jimjilbang is sauna, spa, public bath and family entertainment centre all rolled into one!

Initially we were quick nervous about it having been told we had to change out into the Jimjilbang attire! After we got over our initial apprehensions (with much cajoling from Daddy that these were certainly not prison wear!) we finally consented. Jo had to go with Mummy to the littl’ girls’ change room and Jon with Daddy to the littl’ boys’.

There was an indoor playground, TV/Movie area and lotsa food – even waffles & ice-cream!

We’re starvin! I could eat a fork!


Didi, you have some…


And here comes the best part of it all… waffles and ice-cream!!! We lurve JIMJILBANG!

Next day we head to Porroro Park to meet Porroro and Friends!

Porroro Park is situated within Lotte World, which did-you-know happens to be the largest indoor theme park in the world! Anyways, PP is located on the same level as the skating rink. We take the elevator down 1 level and get our entry tickets!


We were so in  hurry to get in to play we don’t bother with the photo-taking!

Mummy: Jon, stay put.

Jon: No mummy, i’m going down! Jo’s got my Porroro bottle!

*Jon leaps off instantly from Mummy’s lap*

Mummy: Oh dear… here we go again :s

*fight erupts*


Here comes da’ man himself!

Man of the house – little penguin Porroro! Well he doesnt seem too little here in person! Along with pals Loopy (the pink beaver), and Eddie (the orange fox).


Going into Porroro’s abode!


Guess what, there’s even a sandpit-play area…

Entrance fee was for 2 hours only and soon our time was up. We head out and back up one level to Lotte World and chanced upon some Dippin’ dots which Mummy instinctively introduces to us! Superb timing since we get to see the evening Parade that’s ongoing.


After a long day, we do the usual JJ pose. 


It’s super cold in Seoul today but the streets were bustling with tourists and locals alike (peddlers and bargain-hunters!).


Temperature was well below 0 degrees C and the grown-ups just kept walking and munchin’ away while us kids slept away in the cool…

Soon it was time to head home… ICN airport has a nice kids playground where we spent some time in. Suffice to say, we were all really exhausted on our flight back and fall asleep right on Mummy’s lap *ZZZzzzz*

Super Mummy carries Jon up front and piggy-backs Jo in the carrier.