Parkroyal on Beach over CNY21

Happy Chinese New Year!
In view of the current restrictions on travel and not being able to head up North Daddy and Mummy must’ve thought what better idea than to book ourselves into a hotel for staycation! To say CNY is a tad different this year would be a bit of an understatement – no fire-crackers, fireworks and the usual festivities!

And so, with a rather scaled down reunion dinner we head home to pack our overnight bags (albeit for 2 nights this time given the nicely timed extended weekend!). Any by the way Daddy says this year is extra special because Valentine’s Day happens on the 2nd day of CNY! 🙂

Having prior to this checked out the options (of burning Daddy’s AMEX $800 travel credits, which he muttered on several occasions was just a down right terrible deal with a staycay over dialed up prices), or Bonvoy/HH or Shangri-la Jade discount, the grown-ups must’ve decided to make a mattress run on Discovery (we do have a firm stay, or so Daddy says at Capella in mid-Mar over Mummy’s birthday) – hence intent to get status matched to Discovery Plat (with HH and Bonvoy Gold, both of which come with Amex Plat).
Refer to our JTwins sign up link here with a current Member-get-Member deal!).

And so we have it, on CNY morning after the JTwins  and Daddy have our weekly tennis time, we make sure hammies have sufficient food and water for the long weekend, utter our goodbyes to our pet hamsters Hannah & Harriett of 2 months, and head out to the Parkroyal at Beach Road.

As usual we head in for an early check-in in hopes to avoid the crowds. Check in was a breeze, though at about 1-ish there were already a handful of folks waiting to check-in ahead of us. The check-in staff were relatively efficient (as Daddy made his usual small talk with the staff they purportedly were planning to handle approximately 150 check-ins today! WHOA!

Credit to the staff though the queue actually dispersed fairly quickly, or time flew as we were busy taking pix with the teddies lining up the seats at the lobby!

We landed a room on the 4th which we found was co-located on the same floor as the pool and gym. The layout was a little unconventional versus typical Singapore hotels with a broad and low rise configuration not so commonly seen these days – our room slightly around the west bend around the lift landing and separated by a secure sliding door, a decent stone’s throw from the elevators. Room was nicely lit with a light-coloured modern yet minimalist feel (somewhat a fresh change from the Mandarin Orchard room we had last weekend which looked a little tired), Mommy says was a reminisce of Zurich hotels…

Alas, the room had a nice long bench desk (good for prep work even on holidays!) with a lovely view of Kampung Glam/Arab Street across the road (day and night views!)

Propped on the desk also was a care pack consisting some zappy wipes and masks (how very thoughtful!).

We had a twin deluxe config bed setup which Daddy promptly setout to rejig into our usual 2 x 2 config. Before long we we glued yet again to the screen…

Despite the lure or Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network and Boomerang, and consistent with our usual prep time away at home, Mommy makes sure we diligently plough through our usual worksheets while she sipped away on her usual Nespresso fix.

After some work and more screen time it was time to hit the pool with Daddy, but not before making sure we stow our valuables away. Interestingly there was a power socket in the safe!


Pool was only a short stroll away on the same floor as we were, past a couple of doors and a few bends, more doors and more passageways…

We had a splashing time but caution though the pool has a very deep ended side – the deepest being 2.4 metres deep. We played tag with Daddy in the water and had him piggy-back Didi (he must sure be getting old as he lamented away all night about neck ache and sore shoulders!

Breakfast over both days was at Ginger, where the by-now mandatory check-in and temperature taking process was fuss free. Though we had never really seen 4 people at the breakfast check in until now! Seriously 2 lounge dragons, 1 at temperature control and 1 Safe Distancing Ambassador decked in his usual red SDA attire (surprisingly also the 1st we’d seen in any breakfast lines at recent stays).

Decor was pretty and somewhat different versus what we could remember in our previous visit for buffet dinner some time back. For obvious reasons now though buffet lines are but a distant memory. The usual order slip process entailed and we settled for Big Breakfast (for the Jtwins) and Waffles for Didi on the 2nd day & the humble Nasi Lemak for Mummy and Daddy on both days, the first which turned out to be a surprise Nasi Lemak + Sambal Lobster with blue butterfly pea rice. Talk about fusion!


Well, there’s always a first, and though the (rock) lobster was a decent surprise the authentic Sambal combination actually made it a pretty good dish.

Note only 1 set of Mains per pax Daddy reminded, unlike the unlimited servings at Mandarin Oriental. That said, the bread and salads/fruits were replenished so we reckon they were free-flow.

(JieJie with her Nasi Lemak on Day2 with sambal and lobster on the side, both of which Daddy walloped and Didi working on his waflles!)


All in we had a fantastic time just cooped up in our room the whole time, somewhat a reminisce of our Circuit Breaker time at home when schools were shut, just chilling with Daddy and Mummy. Apart from just the swims and headin’ out for dinner we pretty much hibernated through out CNY weekend!

FYI Si Chuan Dou Hou‘s conveniently located around the corner!

Oh well, still a very well time spent with Daddy and Mummy!
Thanks for joining us on our little adventure, and till the next time Take Care from T1 and T2!

On our way back we make a pit stop at Great World City to pick up some stuff and have ourselves our favourite Choco Chip frap & Choc+Strawberry shortcake and Passion Mango IB. Phew, Singapolidays can be tiring too…

While heading home eagle-eyed Didi spots something interesting which Daddy promptly latches on and forwards across to Gugu…

Indeed, “Sometimes being a Brother is better than being a SUPERHERO!”

And by the way Happy Valentine’s Day!

TheJTwins overall verdict in under 10 words:
Friendly staff over a well spread-out property. Fancy lobster nasi-lemak!

Mandarin Orchard Singapore 29th Jan 21

Once in a while a really good deal comes along – one such one was (still running when Daddy last checked!) at the Mandarin Orchard. So good that Daddy booked it overnight and had us pack our stuff ready to hit the hotel right after school on Friday.

So here we were FriYay at the Mandarin Orchard, right from school – couldn’t even wait to change out into our home clothes that we were here…

By the looks of it was also something many others had gotten wind of, the front-liners staycay promotion (bed + brekkie)*. Quite a queue at the check line line. We speculated the promo would have been timed to get people back after the 13 COVID cases around residents serving their SHN there upon returning to Singpaore.

*Last Daddy checked, pretty much everyone qualified as one…

Process was rather straight forward, put in our reservation for the pool slot (which we ended up canceling since TV time had become more of a priority then!) and went thru the mandatory health declaration which was now the defacto standard – pool happens to be located next to the lobby.

(pix taken retroactively after crowds dispersed) 

Retrieved our key cards and headed up to the 16th where our room was located. Great view overlooking the forward part of Orchard Road diagonally across from the flagship A&F store and across from Taka.

Room looked a little dated but more than made up for it with the slightly larger than current lead-in room categories.
Bathroom similarly was equipped with a standing rain-shower-head as well as a combination stand shower in a tub configuration across the bathroom with the sink + vanity smack in the middle.

While we didn’t feel the need to use the pool (though swim gear all were packed and all in tow) we did check out the gym which was located at the other tower separate from where the rooms were located. Note your key cards will not activate the the lift on this tower which also serves the parking on the first 4 levels (lobby on the 5th as with the restaurants – Melt and ChatterBox) – therefore you need first register at the Concierge and get a separate access card.
It was a bit of a scavenger hunt heading up to Level 36, thereafter taking 2 flights or stairs up some inconspicuous security door (reminded us of the pool at Hilton Singapore with a similar access).

Only a couple of gym rats when we peek-a-boo’d and made way with couple of bottles of drinking water.

I guess one of the major plusses of Mandarin Orchard is undoubtedly its super prime location, literally next door to some of our favourite malls. Given the proximity we took the opportunity to walk across to Takashimaya for dinner and lunch the next day.

On our stroll back to the hotel post dinner (despite lugging along some barang barang off our shopping at Cold Storage – Faddy’s [Fat Daddy] usual instant noodles and mandatory drinks), we just had to stop by the Iconic Orchard Uncle’s Traditional Ice Cream stall. Uncle apparently had been in that same spot since 1994 (Uncle Chieng told us he had been selling ice cream since 1965 though!).


Mummy had her customary Yam, Didi and I had Ripple Strawberry and Durian respectively. MUMMY lapped and slurped up her Yammy Ice Cream in double quick time while Faddy tried to restrain but relented ultimately to ‘help’ Didi and I on ours.


Breakkie in the morning was at Melt, after being whisked to our table we were given an order slip to put in our choices or either Wanton Noodle, Ham and Bacon or Nasi Goreng.


Overall it was a decent weekend but please don’t think of it as a Mandarin Oriental.

Apart from not being affiliated despite the Mandarin equity in its brand name it’s a totally different league altogether.

TheJTwins verdict in under 10 words:
Tired-looking room backed by unbeatable deal+breakkie in a prime location.

Nook @ 15 Stamford

Nook – 15 Stamford, Capitol Kempinski

To many hours spent hosting!

One for the record on 30th Dec 2020, the final day of operation…

We do miss thee little Nook,
Many hours with Daddy over a game of castle and rook,
While Jo and Mommy with a drink and a good book,
Now that you seem off the hook,
Oh Nook, where for thou art we still look.


Yotel Orchard Singapore (Aug 2020)

So we’re smack right in the midst of COVID and at the time of writing borders have been shut for 6 months.

With no where to go (Home Based Learning is inforce and only Daddy’s weekly grocery run – we stayed at home for a month straight!) and the risk of burning his travel credits, Daddy moots the idea of checking in for an overnight to Yotel Orchard. Yotel sounded pretty new-ish to us but Daddy said there would be a nice experience for the village to huddle together in a bunk bed ala ‘cabin’-style. By which time hotels which are not designated SHN (Stay Home Notice/Quarantine Hotels) are up for staycays for a change in environment.

We didn’t really setout to take many pictures since I-don’t-remember why, prob since the streets and malls were devoid of people altogether!

Really cool (retro like?) elevator with a really cool guy (guess who?)!

Robots which delivery amenities and bottled water to you (no need for any safe distancing there!)!

We take a walk right next door to Shaw Centre for dinner and Gelato (Gelatissimo to be exact!).

After that we walk across to Scotts Square where Jie Jie decide to treat us with her price money/voucher (where from?!) which was really generous of her!

Twas great to be able to head out after having been cooped up literally at home and with the world unsure for how long more this would continue for… gnite!

Yotel Orchard Singapore (Nov 2020)

So we loved Yotel so much we decided to head back barely 3 months after our 1st visit!

And this time we’re back for more pix!

Familiar facade.

Headed up to our room in the really hip elevator!

Bunk Bed and panoramic shot of the room!

Whats a trip to Yotel without making the acquaintance with Yoshi who brings bottled water up to our room!

On this trip, Daddy mucks around with the door security chain, and inadvertently locks us in since the latch gets stuck. We had to dial for help, and fortunately they dispatched (no neither Yoshi nor Yolanda) but a human technician who patiently hacks the lock out from outside, and rescues us from our predicament!

Soon we’re back to chilling in the room, watching TV and climbing up and down!

View from the top.

Dining area which served breakfast without the typical buffet setting (remember we’re still knee-deep in COVID era!). In the absence of the spread, we were given forms to select our options of mains, breads, juices and yoghurt (positive we’ll inevitably see the evolution of paper/physical forms transitioning to QR codes and touchless order and payment modes in months to come!).

Ice-Cream galore again!

Daddy says we will soon both no longer be able to fit up in the top bunk at the rate we chomp down our ice-creams!

Tucking in for the night, not before sneaking in another quick show to run down the sugar in our system *burpz*!

Breakkie the next morning…

JJ at the Lego Ninjago SlamJam Competition at Legoland JB

JJ at the Lego Ninjago Spinner SlamJam Competition at Legoland JB (Jul 2019).

OK, so Gugu J has been a faithful sponsor of our Lego and we continue to be blessed by her generosity which we warmly accept 🙂

Seems she has been on some Lego mailing lists and she informs Jon of an upcoming Ninjago Spinner SlamJam Competition happening at Legoland in July. There are specific dates and time slots you can register for, but Mummy and Daddy J decide on Saturday, 13th July.

That fateful day finally arrives (a beautiful day indeed!), and Didi has been practising hard – I mean real HARD. There are apparently different stages/rounds requiring different strategies and he’s simulated all possibly scenarios in the past couple of weeks, anticipating having to persevere through 3 differing trials, each assessing his strength, speed, and agility!

We arrive ahead of the 1pm start time, and were pleasantly informed the competition would be extended to interested walk-in participants. Hearing that, Daddy persuades me to signup and compete alongside Jon. We were one of the early birds, seems there were like 10 other kids at that time and the organiser asks us to get in queue.

As we were a little early after rego, Mummy allows us to go on some rides! After all, whats a visit to Legoland without our usual dose of the Ninjago ride?

We set our personal record of 462,850!

On the way past the Fireman’s Bistro, we smell the familiar scent of our favourite fruit – the King of Fruits, that is! But wonder how it could be possible… but alas, it is true! Legoland JB is selling durians! 🙂

Lucky for us though, this departure terminal doesn’t have a ban on durians!

After some rides, we trod back to the competition venue – Sensei’s Brick Shop and who do we meet but the wise sensei himself, and his faithful side-kick, our fiery Kai!

The organiser explains the mechanics of the contest.

Round 1: In the very first trial, the task was to take down all the cut-up villains (ranging from 10-60points each) using Lloyd’s Titan Mech.

Round 2: In the second round, each contestant was given a slam spinner with the objective to take down as many of the 9 villains set-up in a 3×3 matrix formation.

Round 3: In the final showdown, contestants were asked to pitch their spinning skills aimed at the longest spin, each timed with a stopwatch.

After 3 gruelling rounds, the organiser asks for some time out to tabulate the scores, and we wait in anticipation.

After awarding the consolation prizes to the runner ups, it boils down to the final 2… he asks “whom of the following 2 do you think is the champion?”

Jon basking in jubilation over his win and poses with his clinch – the new Lloyd Titan Mech! Way to go CHAMP!

My very proud littl’ brother – grinning from ear to ear with his bounty in tow.

By the way, Daddy’s smiling cheekily also, proudly whispering to Mummy how he’d just saved $120 bucks not having to buy us that new mech. He thinks we can’t hear! 🙂

~Jo aka Twin1

JJ at The Bicentennial Experience – From Singapore to Singaporean

JJ at The Bicentennial Experience – From Singapore to Singaporean

Mummy J signed us up some months back for the Bicentennial Experience. Good thing she did that.

When we first heard it however, we went like “What? Are we going to a new shopping mall?” and never thought back anything about it until last week when Mummy gets a reminder on her trusty iPhone calendar and off we go to the Fort Canning Centre (located at 5 Cox Terrace, Singapore 179620) [Park at F0022].

Note: what we’re attempting to describe below is based solely on our collective experience and will definitely not do justice to the amount of work the production team has put in over the past years – there has clearly been an incredible amount of effort and investment that has gone into making this show, experience, exhibit or whatever-you-call-it a reality.

This is ‘an-admission-by-ticket-only’ event and FREE tickets can be booked online here. Be sure thought to secure your tickets ASAP to immerse yourself in an educational experience that showcases defining events in Singapore’s 700-year history!

The following is an excerpt from the Bicentennial Experience guidebook which succinctly captures what the experience is all about:

The Bicentennial Experience commemorates the 200th anniversary of Raffles’ landing in Singapore. The Bicentennial Experience reflectively unfolds the story of our country’s evolution – stretching beyond the British arrival in 1819 to explore the preceding 500 years. As the centrepiece event of the Singapore Bicentennial, this multimedia sensory experience will take visitors back in time to witness key moments in Singapore’s transformation. The Bicentennial Experience has 2 main sections:

  1. The Time Traveller which takes place indoors, bringing visitors on an epic experiential journey through Singapore’s key historical moments.
  2. The Pathfinder which is an outdoor experience, with a series of pavilions designed for visitors to explore a diverse range of ideas and themes that show how Singapore’s connections with the rest of the world have spanned 700 years.

We thoroughly enjoyed the Time Traveller experience, comprising 5 different acts, preceded by the Atrium experience where we were taken thru a summary audio documentary of the rise and fall of civilisations and cities with a digital rotunda table of the visuals and map of the story, culminating with an awe-inspiring visual of the reverse-rain effect (rain drops rise from bottoms up)!

Act 1:  Beginnings – Live performers and a moving travelator add drama and dynamism to some of the most colourful exploits that unfolded in early Singapura. The synchronised performance of the actors with the music and audio recap were choreographed perfectly and added drama and suspense! This was our favourite part of the entire experience.

Act 2: Arrival – We board “The Indiana”, the ship that brought Raffles to Singapore in 1819. The digital screen and animation were simply astounding, and left us awe-struck. [JJ Tip] Sit at the back rows if you are prone to motion sickness!

Act 3: Connectivity – Still in the same room, the circular surround screens now move and seats rotate to provide an all-immersive show experience.  The JJ Tip of sitting at the back pews still apply since Mummy J had her eyes shut at some point to prevent her getting dizzy!

Act 4: Occupation – We disembark from the ‘vessel’ and are herded into a small darkened room to simulate refuge within an underground bomb shelter. The sirens and alarms blare signifying the Japanese occupation of Syonan during World War 2 (1942-1945). The audio broadcast of happenings around are vivid reminders of the very significant yet painful WW2 era in the history of Singapore. When we exit the room, we talk into a tunnel with supposed cracks in the wall through which we see glimpses of historical events during this time, culminating with an audio+visual account of a Sook Ching survivor (a Chinese term depicting the purging or cleansing or eliminating or individuals resisting the occupation).

Act 5: Destiny – Prior to entering the next room, we were handed brollies which we promptly opened before a gust of rain hovered across and started pouring cats and dogs.

Soon the weather fined up and we were ushered into a new dawn. A new era of Singapore, our Singapore today.

View our videos below in 2 parts [Caution on the 2nd video which may require parental guidance]

JJ at V-Dining

JJ at V-Dining by V-Zug.

Turns out Mummy J lands us some dining vouchers, courtesy of our friends at Class 95 after winning them off the ‘I’m NOT stupid’ segment of Muttons in the Morning ! Daddy J is a closet fan of the Muttons, and some say thats why Jon’s nickname evolved to Mutton over time… (Jonathan->Tern Tern->Natern->Mutton).

FYI the crew with the Muttons at one of the previous Class95 roadshows at Nex!

So with our reservation in place, Daddy and Mummy J pack the kiddos and head out for lunch at V-Dining @ Scotts Square. It was a very quiet afternoon…

Very cozy ambience with an open kitchen concept and vantage views of Scotts Road.

Daddy and Mummy have the 5 course lunch set with wine, while Jo helps decide on our order of Salmon+Spinach as main course and Apple Cinnamon+Camomile ice-cream with home filtered water, and swiftly burrows her head in a Lego Ninjago book while the kind crew begins to whip up lunch.

Snacks and starters…

Tartar Lamb and fingerlime.

Laksa mousse with taupok (fried beancurd) cubes, laksa leaves.

Brown butter cabbage with langoustine.


Carrot soup with kohlrabi and leek.

Chicken with pumpkin and coconut curry for the grown-ups and salmon with spinach for the kids.


Desserts! Apple cinnamon with camomile and Yoghurt with berries and meringue…

Mummy was happy at the end… sipping Prosecco while kids worked on folding napkins to pay off their meal *burps*, and she can now confidently tell the Muttons – “I’M NOT STUPID!” 

Thank you Class 95! 🙂


Toy Story 4!

It is the final week of our school holidays and Daddy J suggests we head out the to Gardens by the Bay coinciding with the Children’s Festival happening from 15th Jun – 30th Jun 2019! While we had previously been there on our kindy’s field trip, it would be our first visit as a family to the gardens! Yay!

The toys are back! Tucked amidst the lush foliage of the Supertree Grove area are pop-up carnival games stalls and special missions to be completed. We team up with our favourite characters Woody, Buzz Lightyear and Bo Peep to complete the tasks, meet new and old friends along the way while having a blast of a time!

With our trail book in hand and following the signs to the carnival!


Can someone please let us know what fruit tree this is? Sure looks like Daddy J’s favourite pomelo, right in the middle of the garden!

Greeted by Woody & Jessie at the Bullseye Games…

Woody’s Coaster Rescue, which was by far one of the most (if not THE most) popular stall of the day judging by the queue…

Jessie’s Ring Capture and Bulleye Rescue…

Flag off at the Buzz’s Star Adventurer! Jon seems a tad too big for the littl’ red swivel car by now…

Meeting Bo and her sheep (Billy, Goat and Gruff!) at Bo Peep’s adventure!

Mr Duke Caboom and our new friend Forky the Spork…


At the end of the day, we had a BLAST of a time!

Best part of it, says Daddy “It was FREE”…

Free stickers for completing at least 3 of the challenges, styro planes (we caught a red and blue each during the frenzy of the Ball Drop), the awesome lazer, lights and sound display (from 7pm), and LOTSA fun together with Daddy and Mummy J!

And what’s a visit to the Toy Story 4 Carnival without actually making it to the movies for the actual movie itself?

That very same week we hit the box office…

It was a very good story with a good mix of old and new toys. Of the new cast, we liked (what Daddy called ‘separated at birth) the twins… Ducky and Bunny (the yellow and blue guys) the most…

At the end Mummy stepped out teary eyed and said it was OK to cry… we think she sobbed buckets by the end of the movie, not sure if it was because it was funny, scary or sad. We guess it was a bit of it all 🙂