Okinawa, Japan (Dec 2015)

Okinawa, Japan (Dec 2015)

JJ in OKA (22nd – 27th Dec 2015)

Type: Tour/Charter Flight direct from SIN to OKA


Grandpa J and Grandma J had been wanting to go to Okinawa but the transit at Tokyo and additional 2H40M flight had resulted in the plans being put off for some time since transiting with twin kids is not always the easiest thing (Even with 5 adults). While our 1st trip to Korea (Dec 2014) included a domestic flight [SIN-CJU-ICN] we had a couple of days in Cheju/Jeju Island.

So anyways, when the option of a charter flight option on MI from SIN to OKA came about, we jumped on the opportunity!

*Note Jetstar subsequently started a direct flight from SIN to OKA (trice a week on Mon/Fri/Sun departing Singapore at 2.20am and arriving at Naha, Okinawa the same day at 8.30am. The return flight, departs Okinawa on the same days at 9.30 am and arrives in Singapore at 1.40pm.

Day 1 – Flight from SIN – OKA

Star Wars Mania hits Changi! Again, there was a time when Mummy was able to carry us both! 🙂

T2 sits happily with Mummy Koa (la) while T1 is with Grandma J!

Total flight time was 5H10M

We arrived Naha, Okinawa sometime in the early afternoon.

Okinawa is a subtropical paradise, renowned as The Island of Longevity with 5X more people living > 100 years of age compared with other prefectures in Japan

Day 2 – Cape Manzamo / Orion Happy Park (Beer Factory) / Nago Pineapple Park / Ocean Expo Park (Churaumi Aquarium)

Spectacular views of the East China Sea. Cape Manzamo is particularly known for its distinction formation resembling that of an elephant trunk, resulting from years of wave erosion.

We arrive at Orion Happy Park, home of Okinawa’s home-grown beer brand – Orion!

We take a tour inside the brewery and learn the tips and tricks of beer making and tasting!


And here’s why they call this the Orion Happy Park.

Nice try but no beer for you Mutton!

Everyone gets a pint but Gugu J, Mummy J and Daddy J happily gulp down Grandpa and Grandma J’s share. The J Twins had fruit punch instead!


On we go to Nago Pineapple Park, literally a stone’s throw from the Orion Beer Distillery.


We enjoy a little ride in the autonomous vehicle *Hello Mr Pineapple!*

After sampling and buying some pineapple products we continue our journey to the Ocean Expo Park. The highlight for us was really the dolphin show at Dolphin Lagoon… even better than the one at Sea World, Goldcoast!

The dolphins swim majestically amidst a very breathtaking backdrop of the blue East China Sea.


Hyper after some ice-cream?  After taking some funny shots with Mummy, Didi soon falls asleep… ZZZZzzzzzz…..

Day 3 – Ryuku Mura (Ryuku Village) / Aeon Mall / Christmas Eve Gala Dinner!

After breakfast we head out to Ryuku Mura (Ryuku Village) and immerse ourselves in “Lion” or Shisa Painting, a popular Okinawan culture.

*Daddy never really excelled in art… but the kids make up for with Mummy who really has an artistic flair!


No prizes for guessing the winning Shisa! We end up buying the usual souvenirs and fridge magnets instead…

We pass Kadena Airbase on our way to AEON Mall Okinawa Rycom and have some lunch and fun at the arcade! By the way, the mall has a really huge marine fish display! Impressive!


After lunch, we hang out at the arcade!



“Hello Ms Bus Driver, where are you going today?”

Daddy J almost sprains his back clamouring in and out of the ‘giant red robot’ – twice since each Twin gets their own turn! (the inside’s not the most spacious!)…. well, so long as The J Twins have fun.

Soon its dinner time! And we usher in Christmas with family Christmas Eve Dinner complete with an appearance from Santa himself! And yes there was a time when The JJ Twins still had their makan bips on! *I dig the bip*


Blessed CHRISTMAS 2015!

Day 4 – Shuri Castle / Okinawa World (Gyokusendo Limestone Cave) – Eisa Drum display / Ashibina Outlets!



Train ride with Yeh Yeh (Grandpa J) at the Ashibinaa Outlet Malls

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2016 from the JJ Twins!


Taiwan (Feb 2015)

Taipei, Taiwan (Feb 2015)

JJ in TPE (19th – 22nd Feb 2015)

Type: Free & Easy

All smiles on the way to the airport with Mommy Koala and Peppa Pig in tow!

Kids don’t last very long in the flight and doze off after some movies and CHML.

Day 1 – Hanging out at Daan Park Playground

We pretty much spend half a day in this beautiful park!

Kids really enjoyed themselves scampering through the various parts of the very-well-thought-out-design of the play area which included the usual swings (with bucket seats for younger kids which Jo thoroughly enjoyed!), slides, and adjoining ramps and obstacles.

Only problem was because the play area was so huge, both Daddy J and Mummy J had to have eyes on the kids at ALL times, which was made even harder because of the intersections between ramps, slides and rope bridges… i.e. you’ll never know which slide either T1 or T2 would emerge from with all the other kids running helter-skelter in their skedaddle!


Day 1 – To the Taipei Zoo we go!

After breakfast we head off to the zoo!

The ONE card that rules them all. This MRT card was very handy and made train-travel very hassle free!

Commute from Daan station to the Taipei Zoo was seamless and scenic (towards the terminating station) and took a breezy 30 minutes.


Which way to go? Follow the crowd!


At the Koala enclosure getting acquainted with Nicole.


Day 3 – Back to Daan Park and lounging around the city and Hello Kitty Cafe!


Off to the mall and Hello Kitty Cafe! YAY!

Happy CNY at Sogo with Rody horses!

Day 4 – At TPE airport (Hello Kitty playground)


On route back to SIN on CA


Jeju and Seoul Korea (Dec 2014)

Jeju Island and Seoul, Korea (Dec 2014)

JJ in CJU and ICN (21st -29th Dec 2014)

Good morning! We’re so excited about going to see Porroro that we couldn’t sleep a wink all night!

We get to Changi really early in the morning *yawnz* to catch our flight from SIN to ICN.

Changi celebrates a Disney Christmas 2014!


Jo and Grandma J en route to ICN!


Korea Culinary institute – Korean Pancake Making.

Introducing Sous Chef Jo and Jon with Chef de Partie Mummy!

Seoul to Jeju.

At the Jeju Folk Village and Tangerine Farm.   

Look Ma, black pigs! *oink oink!*


Mummy points out specifically to the sign on this house…


After like a dozen tangerines between the kids, we head to Jeju Land ATV park.

The boys went off to play and left the girls behind, only thing Jo could do was to pose with the yellow hard hat.


Jeju Island

Teddy Bear Museum

Jeju Trick Art Museum


And pick of the day goes to…  the 2 adorable monkeys!

And the usual JJ pose…

Jeju to Daegu via OZ8122.


Its Christmas today and we head to CJU airport to catch our northbound flight to  Daegu.

We have a little OJ and BYO Porroro and Friends play kit as IFE for our 1 hour domestic flight.


Pizza and Cheese Making in Daegu

Jon teams up with Grandma while Jo tags with Grandpa.


Our instructor flips it in the air.

There are also some very hungry farm animals outside which we eagerly fed! They must’ve smelled the pizza….

Daegu to Yongpyong

We arrive at the Yongpyong SKI resort and take the gondola up to the top.


At night the temperature drops to -12 degrees C!

Spot Jo among the snowmen!

We make an attempt at making our very own Olaf with BYO plastic carrot and  Santa hat while Daddy is out night-skiing.

Next morning we try our hands at skiing… not before we make an attempt at our very own egg-Olaf at breakfast. Now kids, what did we say about not playing with your food?


After a while Daddy and Mummy leave us with Granpa and Grandma J who bring us to the kids’ play area while they hit the slopes.


Highlight here would definitely have been the Jimjilbang!

For the ‘uninitiated’, Jimjilbang is sauna, spa, public bath and family entertainment centre all rolled into one!

Initially we were quick nervous about it having been told we had to change out into the Jimjilbang attire! After we got over our initial apprehensions (with much cajoling from Daddy that these were certainly not prison wear!) we finally consented. Jo had to go with Mummy to the littl’ girls’ change room and Jon with Daddy to the littl’ boys’.

There was an indoor playground, TV/Movie area and lotsa food – even waffles & ice-cream!

We’re starvin! I could eat a fork!


Didi, you have some…


And here comes the best part of it all… waffles and ice-cream!!! We lurve JIMJILBANG!

Next day we head to Porroro Park to meet Porroro and Friends!

Porroro Park is situated within Lotte World, which did-you-know happens to be the largest indoor theme park in the world! Anyways, PP is located on the same level as the skating rink. We take the elevator down 1 level and get our entry tickets!


We were so in  hurry to get in to play we don’t bother with the photo-taking!

Mummy: Jon, stay put.

Jon: No mummy, i’m going down! Jo’s got my Porroro bottle!

*Jon leaps off instantly from Mummy’s lap*

Mummy: Oh dear… here we go again :s

*fight erupts*


Here comes da’ man himself!

Man of the house – little penguin Porroro! Well he doesnt seem too little here in person! Along with pals Loopy (the pink beaver), and Eddie (the orange fox).


Going into Porroro’s abode!


Guess what, there’s even a sandpit-play area…

Entrance fee was for 2 hours only and soon our time was up. We head out and back up one level to Lotte World and chanced upon some Dippin’ dots which Mummy instinctively introduces to us! Superb timing since we get to see the evening Parade that’s ongoing.


After a long day, we do the usual JJ pose. 


It’s super cold in Seoul today but the streets were bustling with tourists and locals alike (peddlers and bargain-hunters!).


Temperature was well below 0 degrees C and the grown-ups just kept walking and munchin’ away while us kids slept away in the cool…

Soon it was time to head home… ICN airport has a nice kids playground where we spent some time in. Suffice to say, we were all really exhausted on our flight back and fall asleep right on Mummy’s lap *ZZZzzzz*

Super Mummy carries Jon up front and piggy-backs Jo in the carrier.


Japan (Dec 2013)

Japan (Dec 2013)

JJ in HND and KIX (22nd – 29th Dec 2013)

Type: Tour

Day -2

Daddy and Mummy rush T2 to the clinic as he had developed a fever with temperature soaring to 40 degrees C.

Dr Ker administers the usual suppository (we had been accustomed to the Voren/Voltaren “bullets” by this time) and the temperature subsides. Jono boy is drinking lotsa fluids and but kicking up a fuss in adamantly protesting the “fever patch” we stick up his forehead and back…



Temperature continues to be in range of high 30s but no longer spiking to the 40s. We see this trending down but are still concerned as we were unsure about whether or not the trip would happen. Worst case, we would split the team up – Daddy to stay with Mutton boy and Mummy to travel with Jo and the gang to JP per plan. Bags are packed bearing in mind the 2 possible outcomes at this stage, with us scrambling on the phone with friends (Andy and Judy) to borrow a single stroller for Jo since we would ditch the twin pram if T2 wouldn’t be able to make the trip.



D-day arrives and littl’ boy still has a temperature, circa 38 degrees. We rush to the doc again in the morning and he clearly says “no travel”. Albeit disappointed, we head home and let Jon continue to rest. It wasn’t until 3-4pm thereabouts Daddy J makes the call to GO! as Jon was by now up and about in the house with his toys. While SQ636 wasn’t scheduled to depart until 2200hrs, we make a dash at (literally) throwing Jon’s clothes back into the suitcase… including the med kit, double iPADs (yes, I’m ashamed we were victims of the iPAD-nanny syndrome which could have accelerated Jon getting on prescription glasses by 6!) and of course his faithful Mummy Koa stuffling.

Soon we’re at the airport, and as soon as the plane was airborne, the nice flight attendants helped setup our bassinets and soon we’re sleeping like babies through the red-eye flight with no IFE, no drinks and no fuss.



We get in early to HND 530am the next morning… YOKOSO Japan!

It is Emperor Akihito’s birthday on 23rd December and its a National holiday in Japan!

We join in the festivities outside the Tokyo Imperial Palace!

I think the original plan was to visit Disney at Urayasu today but we chose to stay behind and take the day slow with Didi’s condition. Thankfully the fever had subsided by now, but we didn’t want to stretch him too much. Went to the hotel when it was time for check-in and pretty much had some snooze time to recover from the night flight. When we kids get up, we take a stroll outside to soak in the nice weather!


Day3 – Christmas Eve!

We pretty much take the day slow again and explore Tokyo.


Mutton is well enough and frolics around the mall while Jo is in the loo 🙂

Note there was a time Mummy was still about to carry us both! 🙂


Soon the kids are famished and what do we find ourselves eating in Japan? Ramen of course!


After more walking and walking, we head back to the hotel for family Christmas Eve dinner…


Day4 – Lake Kawaguchi Onsen

The next day we set off early for a long coach ride towards Kanazawa and Lake Kawaguchi…

Jo tags with Mummy for some girl-bonding time!

Arriving in the onsen resort to be greeted by Hello Kitty and Dear Daniel and a nice Kaizen dinner which Didi speedily slurps up.

Daddy: What language does Hello Kitty speak?
Mummy: Japanese of course!
Daddy: No, Hello Kitty has no mouth 😡

For the record, the kids did not go to the onsen, they were fast asleep already when Daddy J and Grandpa J went for their first attempt at the Japanese public bath with a small white towel and a BIG story to tell when the kids are older!

Day5 – Mt Fuji!

One of the most vivid memories for Daddy and Mummy (as they tell us) was a time they were both able to wear us in our baby sacks (aka our Baby carriers)! Soon after we learnt to scurry off on our own!


Towards the end of the evening, we take the Nozomi Express Shinkansen to Shin-Osaka…

Day6 – Osaka!

At Shinsaibashi-suji shopping street!


At one of the markets…

Day7 – Free and Easy and Rinku Premium Outlets on the way to KIX for our flight home!


Kids at KIX fiddling around the vending machine for a quick fix.

All in we were glad Daddy decided to chuck Jon in the bag and hauled us all to the airport for the trip…


Our Golden Retriever Puppy, Rex and the first steps of his journey post Triple Pelvic Osteotemy (TPO) [Part 5]

Sorry for the silence…here’s just an update on dear Rex:

Rex went to the doctor on 14/10 and was given an “ok” from the doctor! Rex weighed in at 28.2 kgs and has since developed some leg muscle on his right (operated) hind leg which is a good thing as the doc was earlier worried that Rex would not put weight on his operated leg. The doc was worried that Rex’s operated leg muscle would slowly ‘die’ if he does not start moving and exercising it. We were advised to help him exercise e.g. run so that he will build up his leg muscle. Running…well that is certainly not a problem for Rex, we are just sometimes afraid that he will not stop running that’s all!!!

Meanwhile his left hind leg condition has been diagnosed as “straight hock” (definition: the tarsal joint of the hind leg of a digitigrade quadruped, such as a horse or dog, corresponding to the human ankle but bending in the opposite direction) basically meaning that Rex’s left hind leg bends in the opposite direction when he stands for too long. The doctor confirmed that it is not life threating and something that Rex will have to live with for the rest of his life; not even a TPO operation will be of help. Well Rex is thus spared from going through another round of the dreaded TPO!

The doctor’s only advice for us is to help keep Rex’s weight below 30kgs so that his body weight will not put too much pressure on both his hind legs. Other than that, Rex is as healthy (and handsome) as a golden retriever can be!!!

Oh by the way, Rex turned 1 year old on 15/10 and was rewarded with a bone which he relished and guarded with those sharp pointed teeth of his!

TPO surgery is by far one of the most excruciating and major operation that a dog can ever possibly go through. We are all glad and thankful for the means, love and care we could give to Rex to help him overcome this epsisode in his doggie lifetime.


Quick update from where we left off 2 weeks ago.
Rex has been steadily recovering; and apart from the brief shock Jie had with mr rex boy biting off the stitches around his weewee area :P, thereby exposing the half dangling piece of exposed freshly-operated-flesh, rushing him to the on-call vet at GlobalPets who stitched him back up on a Sunday afternoon; – he’s doing pretty ok. in fact he’s had his first shower since the op almost 3 weeks ago.

just a note to mention he had a bit of problem walking on the operated hip/leg last thurs night/friday morning and we were a bit concerned. so we took him in for a checkup in the afternoon and the doctors say its nothing to worry about. in fact they thought he walked fine, for a 3-weeks post surgery condition. so kind dr Lim just did the normal stuff for him like clipping of his nails, cleaning his (very dirty) ears, and shaving off that overgrown fur around his paws. nonetheless we felt it was something out of the ordinary cos he walked much better before that. in any case. he’s doing much better now and walking almost ordinarily, as he would have before surgery. at least putting some weight on the right leg. if anything, his left hip looks like its developing some sort of problem now! for one, his left knee is like jutting out when he’s standing still. hopefully he starts putting more weight and relies on the right now that it’s fixed and hence not aggravate whatever problems he has on the left side.

i’ll update more soon. but for now just to put on record the underlying reason for this blog is to create awareness to owners of man’s best friends so they know what’s normal, what’s not, what the doctors dont tell you after TPO’s done (thank you very much) and why your dog doesnt sleep on the first night after he’s back from the operation, when he does his first potty after that, how he doesnt like E-collars, when the dissolvable stitches go away etc. at least we’ve been through it and seen it happen to rex. so here’s to all golden retriever owners. to the best dogs ever.

Our Golden Retriever Puppy, Rex and the first steps of his journey post Triple Pelvic Osteotemy (TPO) [Part 4]

Rex gave us all (me in particular) a BIG scare…let me elaborate. I left him alone for a few minutes to go to the toilet and when I came back out, he managed to get Necky aka E-collar off and was licking his wee wee area. After reprimanding him, he started dozing off. I sat there with him reading for awhile and then Rex decided turn and stretch his legs and that was when I saw it…his stitch wound under his hip area opened and totally exposed…Aarrgghhh!!!! I nearly collapsed and started freaking out…what am I to do??? What am I to do??? The only thing I could think of was to get it re-stitched but today’s Sunday….Aaarrgghhh!!! Although we were assured by Rex’s vet that the wound should be ok (as it wasn’t bleeding) and we could bring him to the clinic first thing Monday morning, we were not convinced that Rex would stay calm till we could get him to the clinic the next morning; a time span of 24hours.

After frantically making phonecalls here and there, we managed to find another clinic with a vet on duty that time…Phew!!! Didn’t know where I got the strength from but I managed somehow to carry Rex into the car – he weighs nearly 30kgs. It was a challenge to keep Rex calm during the car ride (that aspect of Rex hasn’t changed).We arrived at the clinic and all is well again after his wound was re-stitched. The journey home was calmer for Rex as he was still under sedation.

Rex continues to amaze us with his antics and all the things that he does are just “so typical Rex”…you can’t but love him to bits.

Be it wee wee or poo poo, Rex does it well like how he would before the surgery; well trained to only wee wee and poo poo on the newspapers (which he seldom misses)…Good job Rex!
Food / diet…this I believe this is an area we are all guilty of – over feeding Rex.With no possibility to exercise/walk around/do all the crazy things he usually does at the moment, Rex is literally confined indoor after a short trip to the garden to relieve himself and sleeps most of the time.
We only give him 1/2 cup of his usual doggie kibbles and substitue the rest with fruits and a tablespoon of plain yoghurt (probiotics); lots of fibre to help him go to the toilet which has been very helpful as Rex has no problem with his bowels.
You may wonder what does Rex do when he is not sleeping?
Well..he either iritates those around him, plays with his toys (seen here with mr.squiggy1 *his favourite) or Rex just poses for photos!

Our Golden Retriever Puppy, Rex and the first steps of his journey post Triple Pelvic Osteotemy (TPO) [Part 3]

On 06th Aug Rex finally pooped after 3 days….Yipee!! It was an unbelievable yet exuberant sight seeing Rex struggled step by step from his mattress to his usual spot in the garden (laced with newspapers), squat as we painfully watched the poop land on the newspapers…Bingo…We strucked gold…Hahaha!! At the end of his 3rd post surgery day at home, Rex pooped a total of two times…A big relieve to both Rex and the family.

Rex started wearing the E-collar aka Necky as he was beginning to sniff and lick his stitches area.

Rex obviously doesn’t like Necky very much..but we had no choice as it’s for his own good.

Rex has been put on 2-weeks of antibiotics and although Rex loves almost anything edible, medicine is definitely not on his list! So we devised a plan to help him take his medication regularly and I must say it is working quite well (at the moment)..We break his 1 antibiotic capsule required twice a day into 2 and stuff them into bits of banana…Well Rex loves his bananas!!

Rex being a GR loves attention and what is more comfortable than snuggling and falling asleep on someone’s lap zzz…

Thursday, August 6, 2009

At 6:05am this morning we took Rex out to the garden hoping that he will wee wee..Not much was happening for awhile Rex didn’t quite budged from the mattress even after lots of coaxing…however must to everyone’ surprise Rex got up and started walking to the grass area when we started applying some iodine to his wound, could be due to the initial pain.Yipee…Rex successfully wee wee after a 24hour interval!
As for poo poo…we are still waiting in anticipation…
His appetite doesn’t seem to be affected which is a good thing – Rex had 3/4 cup of doggie kibbles plus some fruits for breakfast.
This is Rex trying to take a few steps…with some help of course! He can now sit for while which is a good improvement.
After breakfast Rex took a short nap but has since woken up and is currently chewing on a bone which should keep him occupied for a while.
Rex certainly looks much better today as compared to the past 2 days; I think he is fast going back to his usual self.
I hope he naps soon…

Our Golden Retriever Puppy, Rex and the first steps of his journey post Triple Pelvic Osteotemy (TPO) [Part 2]

Day 2 – Rex boy sound asleep at last on his bed in the afternoon. After having had full episode of ‘Sleepless in Redang’ last night, Rex curling up for a nice nap on his bed.

It was barely a fun place to be in where we were last night when Rex didnt sleep one bit the entire night. Rather, he was panting very loudly and held his head up high all night, never wanting, not once to lay it down on the pillows, which we placed all around his bed.

And so we stayed awake all night with him, from 12am-6am. Well that’s actually when the lights went out even though no one actually got any rest, except well, for mom. I’m not sure what it was, but perhaps it was the trauma, or post surgical stress that rex felt so overwhelming, that affected his rest, or prevented it totally. somehow i got the feeling that rex was kinda angry at us, for allowing us to put him through the ordeal.

Finally daybreak arrives and Rex whines like nobody’s business. its just about his normal time to eat and potty so we just decide to let him out early this time. again we place his matress in the garden and without much thought Rex struggles up, whimpers a bit and staggers his way onto his choice grass patch where he sits a good minute to wee. it was heart wrenching and painful to watch this dear boy limp his way for the first time after coming home from the operation, not knowing what had happen to his right back limb, and how to go about using the 3 remaining. he walked a few steps away soon after and recoils into a comfortable stance where we feed him his meal and therafter medication.

Thanks to Mom who dropped by the clinic, Rex was given a dose stabilizers. it was so potent it got him sleeping the rest of the day. Here’s a picture of Rex with his new Hartz Gorilla squeegy from New York! Taken after a good few hours of sleep in the day *yawn*! Another picture of the rest of his new toys fresh from Petco thanks to Baby!


Right now we’re just waiting for rex to get up so we can take him out to potty before he turns in for the night.

Our Golden Retriever Puppy, Rex and the first steps of his journey post Triple Pelvic Osteotemy (TPO) [Part 1]

It has been about 11 hours since Rex was taken in to Dr. Koh’s at 10 this morning.
He will be allowed to eat and drink within the next hour or so.Rex is now 9 and a half months and about 8 months since we got him last November. He’s been such a joy all along, and grown into such a beautiful dog, even winning ‘The Star’s – Dog Loves Camera Contest at 5 months old (we were informed by some friends that below pic has been making its round across the Internet!).

Cuteness aside, I am sad to say that Rex has always been slightly on the heavier side of dogs, but perhaps that was what always made him cute. at 7 months Rex was diagnosed with Canine Hip Displasia (CHD). We had noticed that he always had a limp or walked funny on his back right leg and had brought him in to the vet to have the situation diagnosed. This was further confirmed on the X-ray that was taken on him on that visit, showing the displacement of the ball and socket of his hip which was unlike the usual positioning. we were told then that we had just slightly less than 3 months to determine if we were going to take him in for a Triple Pelvic Osteotomy (TPO) corrective surgery. he was then put on a loading of Synoquin which is believed scientifically or through research, or so we were told, to enhance the healthy development of joints in a dog who have a tendency towards CHD, for which in any case Rex was already diagnosed.

That aside, Rex had always been a regular at Koh’s Clinic and Surgery. Apart from his booster shots which we had given him, despite claims from the XYZ vet we bought him from, we decided to avert any possibilities of him having missed them, just to be safe, right up to monthly visits because of his usual bout of rash outbreaks. just to set the records straight, Rex had always steadily had his weight increase, even to the point of frequent chiding by doctors Lim and Koh for not monitoring his weight. come to think about it, perhaps the lack of control on our part actually contributed to his exponential growth which outpaced his bone, pelvic and hip development, thus triggering the onset of CHD (even though doctors have come to agree that CHD is passed on genetically).



Rex arrives with the whole family at Koh’s Clinic and Surgery on time for his scheduled appointment. Instead of having him back in his room by 9 in the morning as would be his typical routine since the family does actually have to go out to work, he’s been allowed to roam around and lie in the living area for an extended time.
Apart from getting all excited as he normally does jumping into the back of the car, Rex kinda seemed as though he knew we were going for ‘something major’. nonetheless throughout the ride he was just being his usual nonchalant self, albeit obedient by sitting in the back seat. when we arrived, he seemed hesitant in going into the clinic, but with a little coaxing he soon banters in to the consultation room, sees Dr Lim and instantaneously shows his excitement. i carry him up the operating table and at that instant he knew apparently what was coming along. Not long after he was sedated and completely knocked out in 30 seconds.

Soon roland and charles the vet assistants were busy shaving his fur on the area the doctors were to operate on, cleaning and applying iodine to the shaven areas. one doctor had his tongue clipped out while the other 2 were busy preparing the surgical tools. at one stage the doctor even asked if i wanted to have a video done on the entire procedure, but i pleasantly declined. instead i had just taken a few pictures of the few minutes before stepping out to allow the doctors room to begin their task.
we get a call from the nurse stating that the procedure was complete, but they had to do a little post surgery x-ray on his condition, and in this case only be done by the next half hour.
my sis and I arrive barely 5 minutes apart from our parents, and when mom saw Rex, she just started tearing profusely.
it was not difficult to understand the pain she felt. when looking at little boy Rex, he was just shivering and trembling like crazy. the doctors commented that’s normal for a dog who’s just been out of anaesthesia (however you spell that). we’ve also seen the side of our dog who’s just regained consciousness after having come out of sedation twice in the past after having done 2 previous photos before the surgery (one prior to the prescription of Synoquin, and the other just last month which was when we noticed didnt really do much help), but this morning’s episode was just a 10x magnification of what we’ve seen in the past. good thing nonetheless the entire family was there to rally him on. the doctor also explained his situation and ran through the current x-ray to show us where the screws and metal pieces were placed, and where the pelvic bone or was it hip, was broken into 3 different places (TPO). after a brief session of ‘what should i dos’ we picked up his medication, E-collar, thanked the motley crew and charles who helped show how to carry rex so i could carry him in the car the entire journey we were driven home.
Got back in record time, and set him on a specially custom made mattress we had just got him the week before. surprisingly the entire week he had it, he was just the epitome of a depressed dog, never wanting to lie on it. right now it seems like the perfect post surgery dog companion compared to the cold hard floor. or so i thought. whole afternoon i was with Rex, he never slept a wink. or perhaps only 2 5-minute intervals. apart from that, nothing. just constant noddings from a tired beat out dog who just refused to sleep. even defying doctors orders, i give him some water which he downs like a thirsty camel, and a bone which he turns away just after a mere sniff, and even the bag of new toys from from Petco New York which he looks almost curiously at, at first glance but turns away soon enough. maybe he’s just in too much pain.
Thanks to the bed, we were able to carry him out to the garden and set him just beside his usual potty area. Rex is also an awesome dog in that he was fully housebroken within the first month he came home with us. housebroken in a sense perhaps he has broken almost every breakable item in the process, but now Rex knows he should only weewee on the grass on the garden, which we pour water over on to prevent the patch from dying thanks to his awesome wee, and poopoo only on newspapers. and i can almost say 100% without batting an eyelid that even though he’s had his bad days, misalignment or miscalulation standard deviation accounts for less than 3 Sigma intervals! after waiting like 30minutes or so, Rex attempts to stagger out of bed onto the grass. he does so with obviously great pain, groans but takes 2 brave steps onto the garden and just lies down. and he laid there for a full 2 hours until we had to carry him onto the bed and back into the room. unbeknowned to the doctors, we start giving him water and a few pieces of fruit.
We are all excited to feed Rex, and cut up all his favourite fruits in a nice fruit platter which he gobbles up in record time. after a normal whine which tells us he needs to go potty, we again attempt to alleviate his problem of going potty by carrying him on his bad out to the garden area. it’s been half an hour and we’re still waiting for him to make a move. he’s tried a few times to get up, but lays back down after a few brief seconds. he is still not sleeping.