
Funday Everyday!

One of our absolute favourite things is LEGO! However Didi (T2) has had very stark increases in his myopia progression in recent years we’ve been advised to go outdoors more often and avoid the near-vision activities which we so like such reading and watching tele!

Nonetheless we enjoy other stuff like…

1. Riding our Wiggle Car!

2. Getting around (being ridden by Daddy J in our bike wagon)

3. Garden Breakfast Party (with Rex and friends!)


4. Our little jumping castle and Water Slide!

5. Outdoorsie Stuff!!!




And bird catching?
Don’t worry, no sparrows were harmed in any way, neither by the JJ Kids nor the Goldie in the pic – the birdie was as swiftly released after gobbling up the remnant rice grains it had been attempting to eat before the doors behind it shut!

Montage courtesy of Gugu J! 

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