Our Golden Retriever Puppy, Rex and the first steps of his journey post Triple Pelvic Osteotemy (TPO) [Part 4]

Rex gave us all (me in particular) a BIG scare…let me elaborate. I left him alone for a few minutes to go to the toilet and when I came back out, he managed to get Necky aka E-collar off and was licking his wee wee area. After reprimanding him, he started dozing off. I sat there with him reading for awhile and then Rex decided turn and stretch his legs and that was when I saw it…his stitch wound under his hip area opened and totally exposed…Aarrgghhh!!!! I nearly collapsed and started freaking out…what am I to do??? What am I to do??? The only thing I could think of was to get it re-stitched but today’s Sunday….Aaarrgghhh!!! Although we were assured by Rex’s vet that the wound should be ok (as it wasn’t bleeding) and we could bring him to the clinic first thing Monday morning, we were not convinced that Rex would stay calm till we could get him to the clinic the next morning; a time span of 24hours.

After frantically making phonecalls here and there, we managed to find another clinic with a vet on duty that time…Phew!!! Didn’t know where I got the strength from but I managed somehow to carry Rex into the car – he weighs nearly 30kgs. It was a challenge to keep Rex calm during the car ride (that aspect of Rex hasn’t changed).We arrived at the clinic and all is well again after his wound was re-stitched. The journey home was calmer for Rex as he was still under sedation.

Rex continues to amaze us with his antics and all the things that he does are just “so typical Rex”…you can’t but love him to bits.

Be it wee wee or poo poo, Rex does it well like how he would before the surgery; well trained to only wee wee and poo poo on the newspapers (which he seldom misses)…Good job Rex!
Food / diet…this I believe this is an area we are all guilty of – over feeding Rex.With no possibility to exercise/walk around/do all the crazy things he usually does at the moment, Rex is literally confined indoor after a short trip to the garden to relieve himself and sleeps most of the time.
We only give him 1/2 cup of his usual doggie kibbles and substitue the rest with fruits and a tablespoon of plain yoghurt (probiotics); lots of fibre to help him go to the toilet which has been very helpful as Rex has no problem with his bowels.
You may wonder what does Rex do when he is not sleeping?
Well..he either iritates those around him, plays with his toys (seen here with mr.squiggy1 *his favourite) or Rex just poses for photos!

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