Yotel Orchard Singapore (Aug 2020)

So we’re smack right in the midst of COVID and at the time of writing borders have been shut for 6 months.

With no where to go (Home Based Learning is inforce and only Daddy’s weekly grocery run – we stayed at home for a month straight!) and the risk of burning his travel credits, Daddy moots the idea of checking in for an overnight to Yotel Orchard. Yotel sounded pretty new-ish to us but Daddy said there would be a nice experience for the village to huddle together in a bunk bed ala ‘cabin’-style. By which time hotels which are not designated SHN (Stay Home Notice/Quarantine Hotels) are up for staycays for a change in environment.

We didn’t really setout to take many pictures since I-don’t-remember why, prob since the streets and malls were devoid of people altogether!

Really cool (retro like?) elevator with a really cool guy (guess who?)!

Robots which delivery amenities and bottled water to you (no need for any safe distancing there!)!

We take a walk right next door to Shaw Centre for dinner and Gelato (Gelatissimo to be exact!).

After that we walk across to Scotts Square where Jie Jie decide to treat us with her price money/voucher (where from?!) which was really generous of her!

Twas great to be able to head out after having been cooped up literally at home and with the world unsure for how long more this would continue for… gnite!

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