Happy Mothers’ Day 2019!!!

Happy Mothers’ Day 2019!

Dear Mummy, I love you. Thank you for caring for us.
Dear Daddy, I love you. Thank you for loving us.
From Joanna

Dear Mummy, thank you for loving and caring for me.
Dear Daddy, thank you for buying me toys and books.
From Jonathan 


Aww… it was definitely a surprise for both Daddy and Mummy to be receiving this from JJ.

Yes it’s Mother’s Day today (2nd Sunday of May*), but as Father’s Day happens only next month (16th June 2019), Daddy was definitely not expecting anything, much less a card from the kids – thus a very surprising gift indeed to a Sunday morning!

* Mother’s Day happens on the 2nd Sunday of May each year
** Father’s Day coincides with the 3rd Sunday of June each year

As we had pre-celebrated MD with Grandma J last week, we spent some time with Ah Ma and Ah Gong yesterday, taking them to Bollywood Veggies!

Tucked away at the Kranji Countryside, this quaint and quintessential farm is a welcome getaway from the hustle bustle of city-life Singapore.


Sitting on a sprawling 10-acres of land, this abode also boasts a cafe, a culinary school, a museum and of course the renown fertilizer-and-pesticide-free farm.


While waiting for lunch (Nasi Lemak Platter and Warrior’s Thali for 2), JJ lose no time with the balls and hoop.


Free banana muffins, Bollywood Veggies eco-friendly tote and Pandan leaves!

Ample parking, and the Kranji Countryside Express bus service with pick up from Kranji MRT and plies the following route (note cost of $3/head/trip applies),

  • Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve
  • Nyee Phoe (Gardenasia)
  • Gallop Kranji Farm Resort
  • Kranji Marshes
  • Bollywood Veggies
  • Thong Hup Gardens
  • Hay Dairies Goat Farm
  • Jurong Frog Farm


As an aside, jotting down some notes from Pastor Val this morning:

in this ever-competitive society, lets take time to be the intentional parents to our kids.

It doesnt need to be quantity time, but so true to ensure the time we spend with them is truly quality time, the time that truly counts.

Instead or stressing over the PSLE or O-Level scores, here’s an alternate perspective…

PSLE Primary School Leaving Exams can otherwise be translated to:

  • Person (or Parent/s)
  • Showing
  • Love &
  • Encouragement

O-Level’s L15R Score (L1 or Main Language Paper/R5 – 5 Relevant Subjects)


  • Loving relationship


  • Righteous
  • Rested
  • Resilient
  • Respectful
  • Responsible

Yes, we’re definitely not undermining the basis of the education system, but definitely worth considering the other important (if not more critical) aspects to our kids’ wellbeing and development.

Here’s wishing all Moms (and Dads since this cant happen without the equal partnership of the DDs) a Blessed Mothers’ Day 2019!

Signing off from Sunday brunch @ Mackers! Pix of the JJ Twins from 6 years ago on Mothers’ Day 2013!


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