
Mommy J recounts how preemie we were – we popped in WK31 and were both in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) for 20 days (T1) and 21 days (T2) respectively. It was tough to say the least, as both Daddy and Mommy were not allowed to stay overnight during this time.

Good thing is we had each other’s company, and subsequently Rex’s…  🙂


Thus every year is precious and every birthday is worth celebrating, and a timely reminder of how blessed we are to have life, and to have each other!


Our Very 1st Birthday – Cake and Cupcakes courtesy of Aunty Luan!



Our 2nd Birthday – Peppa Chocolate and Koala Strawberry!


Our 3rd Birthday Cake – Bus Boy Mutton and Princess (Elsa) Nana


Our 4th Birthday Cake – something a little more mainstream for us both to share!

Birthday Kiss Jie Jie! *Muax*
Now my turn Di Di!! *Muax*


The boys decked out in the same prints…

What happened to our 5th?


Our 6th Birthday Bash!

This year Mummy decided to do something different by organising a Birthday Bash for us! Mummy even made her own Candy Corner, worked the decor and kids craft! Good thing we had some elves help with the food, games and goodie bags!!! Pin the unicorn was definitely a hit with the kids!


Behind the scenes prep…