JJ in ICN (4th – 9th Feb 2016)

Seoul, Korea (Feb 2016)

JJ in ICN (4th -9th Feb 2016)

Type: Free & Easy


*RRRRINNNGGGggg* the alarm goes off – Daddy J startles out of bed and does his thing again at having a go at knocking us kids out of slumber! But what d’ya know, we are already up and are ready in a jiffy! The J Twins are ready to rock and rumble! Soon we are at the airport…

We can still fit nicely into our twin stroller (Didi still calls this the ‘stro-ro’!).

Didi with whom else but MMK (Mommy Koa)…

We say bye-bye stroro-ro ro ro at the check-in*…. we’re off to see Pororo!

*(we recall KE accepts stroros only at the check-in counter and not at the aerobridge unlike SQ at least at that point in time. On arrival however, both offer pickup of stroros at the bridge!)

Waiting to board the big blue bird that will take us to Incheon.

We get some nice Pororo-themed kiddy packs (water color stencils)…

We plan to be in Korea during Chinese New Year which happens on 8th Feb 2016. Unbeknown to us, it coincides exactly with the Korean New Year which meant that most shops we closed at least on the first 2 days (8th – 9th Feb)!

Good thing Mackers is always open – rain or shine; winter, spring, summer or fall, and holiday or non-holiday! We muck around with our Chicken nuggets and make it look like rex!


Lotte World and Porroro Park

  • Welcome back to Porroro Park! It’s great to be back!


Seoul Tower


Kimchi School and Seaweed Factory.

