Jeju and Seoul Korea (Dec 2014)

Jeju Island and Seoul, Korea (Dec 2014)

JJ in CJU and ICN (21st -29th Dec 2014)

Good morning! We’re so excited about going to see Porroro that we couldn’t sleep a wink all night!

We get to Changi really early in the morning *yawnz* to catch our flight from SIN to ICN.

Changi celebrates a Disney Christmas 2014!


Jo and Grandma J en route to ICN!


Korea Culinary institute – Korean Pancake Making.

Introducing Sous Chef Jo and Jon with Chef de Partie Mummy!

Seoul to Jeju.

At the Jeju Folk Village and Tangerine Farm.   

Look Ma, black pigs! *oink oink!*


Mummy points out specifically to the sign on this house…


After like a dozen tangerines between the kids, we head to Jeju Land ATV park.

The boys went off to play and left the girls behind, only thing Jo could do was to pose with the yellow hard hat.


Jeju Island

Teddy Bear Museum

Jeju Trick Art Museum


And pick of the day goes to…  the 2 adorable monkeys!

And the usual JJ pose…

Jeju to Daegu via OZ8122.


Its Christmas today and we head to CJU airport to catch our northbound flight to  Daegu.

We have a little OJ and BYO Porroro and Friends play kit as IFE for our 1 hour domestic flight.


Pizza and Cheese Making in Daegu

Jon teams up with Grandma while Jo tags with Grandpa.


Our instructor flips it in the air.

There are also some very hungry farm animals outside which we eagerly fed! They must’ve smelled the pizza….

Daegu to Yongpyong

We arrive at the Yongpyong SKI resort and take the gondola up to the top.


At night the temperature drops to -12 degrees C!

Spot Jo among the snowmen!

We make an attempt at making our very own Olaf with BYO plastic carrot and  Santa hat while Daddy is out night-skiing.

Next morning we try our hands at skiing… not before we make an attempt at our very own egg-Olaf at breakfast. Now kids, what did we say about not playing with your food?


After a while Daddy and Mummy leave us with Granpa and Grandma J who bring us to the kids’ play area while they hit the slopes.


Highlight here would definitely have been the Jimjilbang!

For the ‘uninitiated’, Jimjilbang is sauna, spa, public bath and family entertainment centre all rolled into one!

Initially we were quick nervous about it having been told we had to change out into the Jimjilbang attire! After we got over our initial apprehensions (with much cajoling from Daddy that these were certainly not prison wear!) we finally consented. Jo had to go with Mummy to the littl’ girls’ change room and Jon with Daddy to the littl’ boys’.

There was an indoor playground, TV/Movie area and lotsa food – even waffles & ice-cream!

We’re starvin! I could eat a fork!


Didi, you have some…


And here comes the best part of it all… waffles and ice-cream!!! We lurve JIMJILBANG!

Next day we head to Porroro Park to meet Porroro and Friends!

Porroro Park is situated within Lotte World, which did-you-know happens to be the largest indoor theme park in the world! Anyways, PP is located on the same level as the skating rink. We take the elevator down 1 level and get our entry tickets!


We were so in  hurry to get in to play we don’t bother with the photo-taking!

Mummy: Jon, stay put.

Jon: No mummy, i’m going down! Jo’s got my Porroro bottle!

*Jon leaps off instantly from Mummy’s lap*

Mummy: Oh dear… here we go again :s

*fight erupts*


Here comes da’ man himself!

Man of the house – little penguin Porroro! Well he doesnt seem too little here in person! Along with pals Loopy (the pink beaver), and Eddie (the orange fox).


Going into Porroro’s abode!


Guess what, there’s even a sandpit-play area…

Entrance fee was for 2 hours only and soon our time was up. We head out and back up one level to Lotte World and chanced upon some Dippin’ dots which Mummy instinctively introduces to us! Superb timing since we get to see the evening Parade that’s ongoing.


After a long day, we do the usual JJ pose. 


It’s super cold in Seoul today but the streets were bustling with tourists and locals alike (peddlers and bargain-hunters!).


Temperature was well below 0 degrees C and the grown-ups just kept walking and munchin’ away while us kids slept away in the cool…

Soon it was time to head home… ICN airport has a nice kids playground where we spent some time in. Suffice to say, we were all really exhausted on our flight back and fall asleep right on Mummy’s lap *ZZZzzzz*

Super Mummy carries Jon up front and piggy-backs Jo in the carrier.